Exterior Worlds
Landscape Maintenance
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Maintain Landscapes to Maximize

The dictionary defines “maintain” as to continue or persevere in and also to support or provide for. These definitions are extremely apt for describing the elements of a good landscape maintenance program and schedule.

Lawn Care
A healthy lawn is achieved through a comprehensive, regularly-scheduled maintenance program. One that is continual and supportive, to borrow Mr. Webster’s words. A thorough understanding of how lawn care practices impact all landscape plants determines which types of products and services are right for you. The best lawn care services are specifically designed to benefit your entire yard.

Standard elements include:

  • Mowing: Typically in our climate, lawns should be mowed and edged weekly during the summer and bi-weekly in winter to maximize the aesthetics of your property.
  • Fertilization: Plants—grass, bushes, trees, flowers—need to be fed and fertilized on a timely basis.
  • Aeration: An often overlooked function of good landscape maintenance, aeration lets the soil breath and, in so doing, alleviates compaction and helps to keep thatch under control.

Trees and Bushes
Just as important as the grass, trees and bushes flourish with regular care. Effective, knowledge-based tree and shrub maintenance services will provide you years of enjoyment while increasing your property value. Regardless of the type of trees you have in your yard—fruit trees, Japanese maples, pine trees, cypress, oak—dead branches and suckers need to be pruned at the correct time and in the proper manner. Because this is a maintenance activity, the longer it is postponed, the harder and more time-consuming it becomes. Likewise, bushes and shrubs are aided by the same TLC.


Other Features of Landscape Maintenance
Besides the living things that grow in your yard, most properties contain other features that benefit from a schedule of cleaning and repair. By their mechanical and architectural nature, they function best with regular oversight.

  • Sprinkler and Irrigation System Maintenance. A well-designed sprinkler system eases the required watering care of your landscape. However, heads blow and lines break so it is a good idea to work with a pro who can take care of these headaches. Also, if you don’t have a sprinkler system and are considering one, be sure to research the installation company to ensure that you—and your landscape—get the maximum value.
  • Hardscapes: Driveways, Fences, Patios and Walkways. Hardscapes add livability to your landscape design. In addition to keeping them clean, be sure you routinely “walk the property” and check for anything that needs repairing.
  • Landscape Renovation. From time to time, you may want to add or take away landscaping features. A landscape designer can help with this process.

First used in the 14th century, the word “maintain” traveled into current usage from Latin through French and English. From the Latin words “manu tenēre,” it means “to hold in the hand,” a perfect root source that captures the very essence of landscape maintenance.