Lawn Maintenance
Just as lawncare treats your yard as a unity of vegetation, lawn maintenance treats your yard as a unity of vital functions that are essential to the life of your plants. Foundational to all of these services is the proper management of water. Drainage must be kept in top operational condition to rapidly direct storm water away from sensitive landscape elements so it can then be moved off the property. Irrigation must keep vegetation alive in the hot, sunny times of the year. These services make it easier to maintain clean surface areas, functional outdoor living spaces, and working equipment that is essential to the enjoyment of your outdoor lifestyle.
In every part of Houston, maintaining proper drainage in the yard is perhaps the most important lawn maintenance service we provide. Poor drainage can damage plants, trees, hardscapes, and even your home itself. Landscape maintenance services include regular inspection of all drains on your property. When defects are discovered, repairs are implemented in full compliance with local township or Houston city regulatory codes. We are also very careful when working around trees so that we do not damage root systems while digging in the earth. Drains can be also be concealed from open view with a number of environmentally sound construction techniques.
Lawn maintenance programs also provide for the inspection, seasonal adjustment, and repair of irrigation systems. Different types of landscape designs have vastly different irrigation requirements. Some contemporary landscapes are very low maintenance in their own respect and require only minimal amounts of water due to their minimalist approach to vegetations. Other yards have very high water requirements and require a great deal of custom attention in order to keep watering within the boundaries of reasonable cost effectiveness. The best way to manage the complex dynamics of affordability, code compliance, and plant vitality is under a Houston landscape maintenance program that manages your inspections, adjustments, and any repairs you may in one comprehensive service plan.
Our lawn maintenance programs also provide for basic structural services that are important to maintaining an attractive, livable outdoor environment. Scheduled cleaning helps restore a new look to patios, walkways, pools, and water features. It also provides our crew with an opportunity to look for any damages that may have occurred as a result of natural forces beyond your control. Many landscaping maintenance programs plan for these contingencies by itemizing basic structural repairs for driveways, pool copings, tile work, patio surfaces, and outdoor building frames.
Along similar lines, many of our service agreements contain provisions for the upkeep of outdoor artwork and landscape lighting equipment. This is actually more common than not with most of our clients due to the eclectic interests that many of these homeowners pursue. Sculptures are seen in many of the landscaping projects showcased in our Landscaping Portfolio. Lawn maintenance programs can include special provisions for keeping outdoor art free from weed growth. Landscape lighting fixtures are inspected at least once annually to ensure their safe operability. Repairs to these fixtures, and even basic upgrades, can be arranged in the terms of your plan.
While many people may not have considered how structural and landscape infrastructure services constitute lawn maintenance, the simple fact of the matter is they are indispensible compliments to the softscape management services that most of us associate with lawncare. Healthy grass, decorative plantings that generate exceptional accents, and majestic trees that magnify homes are all made possible by attending to the basics at the unseen levels of professional landscaping.