Exterior Worlds
Landscape Lighting
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Landscape Path Lighting

Landscape path lighting makes your Houston landscaping design stand out.
Illumination around walkways, steps, stone walls, and gardens magnifies your curb appeal with an attraction factor that expresses itself as pure mystique. Everything that looks beautiful in the daytime can look even more beautiful at night with a touch of the sublime added by illuminated paths that create a latticework of light throughout your property.

Dim lights are the best choice for lighting most paths. Paths must be visible, but not so brightly lit that they overpower more significant Houston landscaping elements. The vertical impact of illuminated trees, the dynamic special effects of luxury swimming pool lighting, and the sophisticated lighting used in outdoor kitchens and swimming pool houses must appear more prominent to keep the entire property in proper perspective with the illuminated structure of the home.

Landscape path lighting is a vital, yet much more subtle layer of outdoor lighting that works to connect these various zones of interest. In fact, it is the subtlety of pathway lights that make them feel so warm and inviting to visitors. The ambient glow of a faintly illuminated pathway is inviting to the point of being enticing. It also adds a very elegant touch to a number of Houston landscaping designs. Formal, classical, and contemporary landscapes are just a few examples of design styles that express their beauty through a “less-is-more” aesthetic.


Although dimmer than other outdoor landscape lights, landscape path lighting always provides ample visibility for safe transit throughout the property.
The human eye requires only a minimal amount of light to safely navigate in the dark. This gives Houston landscaping designers a tremendous amount of creative freedom when it comes to generating eminent fields of light along walkways, garden paths, and transitional areas. This makes the entire property look more multidimensional because both hardscapes and softscapes are illuminated by pathway lights in the process. This better accents the curb appeal of your house with an aesthetic derivative of your personal sensibilities.

Landscape path lighting in the front yard plays a particularly significant role in magnifying the prominence of your house. Many homes have a walkway that connects the public sidewalk to the front door. Illuminating this walkway will draw the eye of visitors straight to the entrance of the home. This centers the eye on the very front of the house in a way that causes the home façade to loom in the mind’s eye with a profound surrealism rising into the night sky.

Other thoroughfares may also be present that need to be illuminated. Front yard gardens have paths that wind through them. Lighting these paths will make the garden stand out more as an organic compliment to home architecture. Walkways that lead from driveways to entry gardens help lead visitors into a transitional courtyard where the motifs of backyard landscaping can be introduced with impeccable subtlety.

Landscape path lighting in the backyard helps make a Houston landscaping design into a true outdoor living environment. Just like the rooms of a fine home is unified by a network of lighted hallways, so too does the home exterior become that is tied together by a network of illuminated paths that bring together very unique zones of interest into an interconnected unity.